Your 3-calendar month-old is constantly changing. Not only is he outgrowing diapers and onesies at a furious pace, simply his slumber needs are evolving, too. At this age, you lot may exist wondering if a sleep schedule can aid your infant get the residual he needs.

Although it's unlikely that a 3-month-old will stick to a predictable schedule, you may offset to notice patterns emerging, such as the number of naps your baby takes, how much time he spends sleeping, and when he tends to wake upwardly and falls asleep. Still, your child's daily routine will go along to vary this calendar month.

Here's what parents should know nigh their 3-month-old's slumber schedule, plus how much slumber your babe needs at present.

How much should a 3-month-old sleep?

Every baby is different, only a typical three-month-erstwhile needs betwixt 14 and 17 hours of slumber in a 24-60 minutes menstruum, including 3 to four naps totaling four to six hours. Nevertheless, it's also normal for iii-month-olds to slumber a little more or less than that.Your 3-calendar month-old may sleep for longer stretches at night, perhaps five hours (or even a fleck more) at a time.Don't panic if your little one is up more ofttimes, though — some babies notwithstanding wake to swallow every few hours at this stage.

Sample slumber schedule for a iii-month-old baby

The best slumber schedule for your iii-calendar month-erstwhile ultimately depends on his needs. While your child'south routine will probably even so be unpredictable at 3 months, a typical day might look similar this:

  • vii:00 a.m.: Awake
  • 8:30 a.k.: Nap
  • 9:30 a.g.: Awake
  • 11:00 a.m.: Nap
  • 12:00 p.m.: Awake
  • ane:30 p.m.: Nap
  • 3:00 p.m.: Awake
  • 4:30 p.m.: Nap
  • 5:thirty p.1000.: Awake
  • 6:30 p.m.: Bedtime routine
  • seven:00 p.g.: Bed

This sample schedule assumes your petty one is awake for 90 minutes at time and naps for exactly one hour throughout the day. Nevertheless, go on in mind that babies at this age can stay awake for 60 to ninety minutes at a time, while naps tin be betwixt thirty minutes and two hours.

Can you slumber railroad train a 3-month-old?

The term sleep grooming refers to unlike ways of teaching your baby to slumber through the night. If you're considering sleep training, keep in mind that many experts recommend waiting until your babe is 4 to six months former.

3-month-old sleep tips

Your baby is still too young to accept regular sleep cycles at 3 months old. Still, a few strategies tin assist teach him healthy slumber habits.

  • Play with your baby during the day. Although your 3-month-old will still spend much of the day napping, playing with him when he is awake will aid him larn how to differentiate between day and nighttime.
  • Stick to a routine. If y'all oasis't already established a bedtime routine, now is a expert time to practise so. A calming, consistent end-of-day routine (call back giving baby a bath, listening to music and reading a volume) signals that it'southward fourth dimension to slumber.
  • Notice your baby'southward slumber tendencies. Your babe may now accept a preferred bedtime. To help him wind down, aim to start his routine 30 minutes or and so before that time.
  • Try to put your baby to bed when he'southward drowsy. Placing your baby in his crib when he's drowsy but not all the same asleep helps him acquire how to migrate off on his own.
  • Put your baby to slumber in the same place. Sometimes your baby will fall asleep on the become, merely attempt to offer his crib for naps as much as possible.

3-month-old babe slumber problems

Slumber problems can happen even when parents do everything "right." These are a few of the more common ones yous may meet at this age:

  • Your infant won't go back to sleep. When you lot enter your infant'due south room to feed or change him during the night, go along the lights off and exercise your best not to stimulate him as well much.

  • Your baby struggles to fall sleep on his ain. Go on putting your babe to bed drowsy merely awake. Holding or rocking him until he's asleep can make information technology harder for him to larn how to go dorsum to sleep on his own if he wakes up during the night.

  • Your baby often fusses in the night. Expect a few minutes before you answer and meet if he tin can get back to sleep on his own. If he doesn't, check on him merely don't pick him up or turn on the lite. Connected fussing may exist a sign that he's hungry, needs a diaper change or isn't feeling well.

  • Your babe doesn't desire to go to bed. More frequent nighttime wakings and trouble falling comatose might signal a sleep regression. Although slumber regressions tin can happen at whatsoever fourth dimension, the start regression often occurs betwixt 3 and 4 months.Be diligent nigh your child's bedtime routine and make certain your little one has plenty of opportunities to nap during the mean solar day, since it's even harder to get an overtired infant to fall asleep at night.

  • Constant dark feedings. At 3 months, your baby will probably all the same need to eat in one case or twice during the nighttime. Only 3 or four nighttime feedings commonly aren't necessary at this age. Brand sure your babe is getting plenty to swallow during the twenty-four hour period and endeavour to encourage him to swallow a little more at bedtime.

  • Teething hurting is keeping your babe up. Some babies show signs of teething as early as ii to 3 months. If you suspect that your baby is teething, stick to your bedtime routine and attempt to calm him when you lot go into his room at night by patting his back or singing him lullabies.

Bottom line? Don't worry if your 3-month-old isn't following a predictable sleep schedule just yet. Establishing healthy habits takes time, but these strategies will help set your baby (and you!) up for better sleep going forrard.