How to Find Chrysis After Saving the Baby

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"Hush my child. May Hera bless our sacred family."

Chrysis (died 430 BCE) was a priestess of Hera and a member of the Worshippers of the Bloodline branch of the Cult of Kosmos. She was the mother of Dolops.


  • 1 Biography
    • Early life
    • 1.2 Cult of Kosmos
    • 1.iii The Peloponnesian War
  • ii Legacy
  • three Personality and characteristics
  • 4 Trivia
  • 5 Gallery
  • 6 Appearances
  • vii References


Early life

Equally a kid, Chrysis was abased by her parents at the Sanctuary of Asklepios in Argolis.[1] The priests of the sanctuary raised her equally ane of their ain, didactics her all they knew nigh gods and healing.[2] She was well-loved by the priests, besides as a fast learner and stiff-willed.[1]

Growing up, Chrysis became a priestess of Hera serving at the nearby sanctuary dedicated to the goddess,[three] and even rose through the ranks to go the greatest.[4]

Chrysis also became a female parent at some bespeak, bearing and rearing a son named Dolops. Nevertheless, she kept his birth a secret, believing it brought shame to her. They eventually grew apart, and he pursued a career first every bit a healer, and and so equally a farmer in Epidauros.[v]

Cult of Kosmos

At some point, the Cult of Kosmos approached Chrysis and she was seen with them. Their ideas appealed to her and she left her old teachers' ideas for theirs. With the Cult, her power and influence grew, her role as a 'retainer of Hera' protecting her from backlash.[2]

Eventually she held every priest of the sanctuary of Asklepios in her sway, either equally her allies or as her subjects.[one]

In the 440s BCE, when Myrrine came from Sparta to the sanctuary, the priests offered her food and a bath, but could not help her badly injured baby. Despite the priest Mydon's all-time attempts, he had to tell her that the baby would die. Thus Myrrine cradled the baby, sang to him, and left him at the Chantry of Apollo Maleatas, "for the gods."[6]

Instead of gods, though, Chrysis took the baby afterwards Myrrine turned her dorsum. She healed him, so raised him as her own among many to serve the Cult of Kosmos, instruction him that the world is pain.[6]

To ensure that her practice remained hugger-mugger, and as a proof of loyalty, Chrysis forced Mydon to cut out his own tongue to prevent him from telling all that he knew, lest it reach incorrect ears.[6]

When the Worshippers of the Bloodline were commanded to scour the ruins and tombs for ancient artifacts, some other Worshipper, Harpalos, sent a letter to Chrysis, telling her about the Followers of Ares he'd discovered and joined.[three]

The Peloponnesian State of war

When stories begun to circulate well-nigh an "eagle-bearing misthios", Chrysis tightened her agree on the priests of Asklepios, forcing them to swear not to tell the mercenary a single affair, especially about a Spartan adult female and her infant, or face death. Near acquiesced, while some similar Pleistos allied themselves with her, and others like Timoxenos protested.[2]

Chrysis besides publicly accused an Argivean healer, Hippokrates, of impiety. Kassandra happened to witness Chrysis and Sostratos, Hippokrates' assistant and educatee, exchanging words about the accusations, and Hippokrates' whereabouts at his clinic in Argos.[7]

Later Kassandra figured out Chrysis' affiliation with the Cult of Kosmos, likewise as her role in Alexios' life, Kassandra hunted Chrysis downwardly to the Altar of Apollo Maleatas. In that location, Chrysis had left a slain hawkeye as a warning. Post-obit the cries of an babe, Kassandra plant a small shrine nearby, equally well as guards loyal to the Cult. After besting them, Kassandra entered the shrine.[half dozen]

Chrysis confronted by Kassandra

Within, Chrysis laid the baby on the chantry and spoke with Kassandra, entreating her to join the Cult, make Chrysis' family "complete." At the end, she ready the shrine on burn down, forcing Kassandra to either save the baby, or go after Chrysis.[6] Withal, while attempting to flee the altar, Chrysis was killed past her son Dolops.[8]


Past the time of the Peloponnesian War, Chrysis held the Sanctuary of Asklepios collectively under her thumb, either through fear or loyalty. According to her, she was the one who had raised multiple warriors and guards loyal to the Cult, with Deimos being only one of them, albeit the most powerful.[6]

She was too regarded as "that crazy priestess" by Antonide, an informant working for Elpenor, a member of the Eyes of Kosmos branch of the Cult. Though Antonide suspected Chrysis held what Elpenor wanted to know, he was not willing to arroyo Chrysis, equally she terrified Antonide.[9]

Personality and characteristics

In the beginning, Chrysis was a devoted worshiper of the Greek gods until she was recruited past the Cult of Kosmos. Their teachings either "turned her heart black"[2] or only encouraged the "anger in her middle that could not exist soothed."[1] In whatever case, she became a cruel, psychotic and fanatical private. As exemplified by her opposition to Hippokrates' medical practices, she believed that only deities could evangelize healing and not the hands of homo.[seven]

In her interactions with Kassandra, Chrysis demonstrated a delusional obsession with the Bloodline, believing herself to be more of a "mother" to the grandchildren of Leonidas than Myrrine had ever been.[six]


  • In Odyssey, the thespian can choose to either save the baby from the fire Chrysis caused or assassinate the Cultist in Ashes to Ashes. If the onetime was called, Chrysis will be slain in the memory Death Comes For Us All.
  • Historically, Chrysis accidentally burned down the oldest temple dedicated to Hera at the Heraion of Argos in 423 BCE, and thus destroyed the sanctuary as mentioned in the Historical Locations overlay.



  • Assassin'southward Creed: Odyssey (first advent)
  • Assassin's Creed: Odyssey novel


  1. ane.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Assassin's Creed: Odyssey – Written in Rock
  2. two.0 2.2 2.three Assassin'southward Creed: Odyssey – A Heart for a Head
  3. 3.0 iii.1 Assassinator'southward Creed: Odyssey
  4. Assassin's Creed: Odyssey – Death Comes For Us All
  5. Assassin's Creed: Odyssey – A Herald of Murder
  6. 6.0 6.2 6.three 6.iv 6.5 half dozen.6 Assassin'due south Creed: Odyssey – Ashes to Ashes
  7. seven.0 7.1 Assassin's Creed: Odyssey – Offset Do No Impairment
  8. Assassin's Creed: Odyssey novel
  9. Assassin's Creed: Odyssey – The Wolf's Fate


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